Thursday, July 24, 2014

Access Facebook and other sites

Access Facebook and other sites blocked your network admin

Yes, Access your favorite social networking site even your network admin blocked it. What are the reason why those net admins blocked that website? Is it because they want to ruin your day? Is it because they want you to be productive and reduce downtime at the office? or is it because they are envy to you, because you have tons of friend on facebook? What ever reasons they have, we are going to break the wall they have conjured. There are hundreds of ways just to access websites that have been restricted. VPN or Virtual Private Network is the newest trend to access sites by connecting to  a server and it will change your IP or Internet Protocol into a new and anonymous IP. Yeah! That's awesome.However, I'm still using a tunneling software called ULTRASURF , you may visit their website, download it, Don't worry its for free.

What are you need to execute this epic move to break the wall casted by you admin?

Your pretty brain
A browser (preferably firefox), go to the network settings, homes
The ultrasurf application

Steps to make things right.

1. Set your network by modifying the network like the image below.
2. Connect your ultrasurf application and wait for confirmation that your are connected to the server.
3. Rock on, browse it baby.